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How to Reheat Fried Chicken in Air Fryer | From Cold to Crispy

Fried chicken is one of the most beloved dishes of all time. We all know that freshly fried chicken tastes the best. However, finishing an entire batch in one go can be challenging. You might need to store the leftovers for another time, but what about when you have leftover fried chicken and want to enjoy it just like it was fresh from the fryer? No problem! With an air fryer, you can quickly and easily reheat your leftover fried chicken – no oil or added fat needed. This post will show you how to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer without hassle. So keep reading if you’re eager to learn how to transform your leftovers into a delicious meal again!

Why Choose an Air Fryer?

Air fryers have gained popularity recently due to their ability to cook food with minimal oil, resulting in healthier dishes. When it comes to reheating fried chicken, air fryers offer several advantages. They use hot air circulation to create a crispy exterior while keeping the inside moist. This method helps retain the original flavor and texture of the fried chicken, unlike traditional reheating methods such as microwaving or oven baking, which can often leave the chicken soggy or dry.

Clean Your Air Fryer

Before we dive into the steps, you want to ensure that your air fryer is clean and ready to use. Remove any crumbs or residue from the last use so you don’t get any unwanted flavors. It should be easy to fix with a simple wipe with dish soap and a moist towel.

Preheat your Air Fryer

To ensure that the heat is dispersed uniformly during the frying process, it is essential to pre-heat your air fryer. This is crucial to get your food’s best texture, color, and flavor. If you don’t preheat your air fryer, you risk having cooked food with different textures or colors, dry and uncooked areas, or soggy food that didn’t get crispy enough.

The best way to preheat your air fryer is to turn it on to the highest setting and allow it to heat up for at least five minutes. This will give the fryer enough time to reach the desired cooking temperature, ensuring your food is perfectly cooked.

Preparing the Fried Chicken

Preparing the Fried Chicken

Before you start reheating the fried chicken, it’s essential to prepare it properly. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Take the fried chicken out of the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes. This allows the chicken to warm up slightly, ensuring more even reheating.
  2. Inspect the chicken for any visible signs of spoilage. Discard the chicken immediately if you notice any off smells or strange colors. It’s crucial to prioritize food safety.
  3. If desired, brush a thin layer of oil or melted butter onto the chicken pieces. This will help enhance the crispiness of the chicken during reheating.

Reheating Process

Now that your fried chicken is prepared, it’s time to start reheating it in the air fryer. Follow these steps:

  1. Your air fryer needs to be preheated in order for the heat to be distributed evenly when you are frying.
  2.  This ensures that the chicken reheats evenly and efficiently.
  3. Place the fried chicken pieces in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Avoid overcrowding to allow proper air circulation.
  4. Cook the chicken in the air fryer for approximately 3-4 minutes. Then, carefully flip the chicken pieces using tongs or a spatula.

Roast the chicken for a further 3 to 4 minutes once it has reached an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) and is fully cooked through. Depending on the thickness and size of the chicken parts, cooking times may change.

Check the Temperature

It’s essential to ensure that the chicken has reached an internal temperature of 165°F. Use a food thermometer to check if the chicken is cooked through. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can cut into the chicken and check that there are no pink parts.

Tips for Perfectly Reheated Fried Chicken

Reheated Fried Chicken

To achieve the best results when reheating fried chicken in an air fryer, consider the following tips:

  • Avoid stacking or overcrowding the chicken pieces in the air fryer. This allows the hot air to circulate around each piece, ensuring even heating and crispiness.
  • If you have a lot of chicken to reheat, do it in batches. Reheating too many pieces at a time can result in uneven heating and affect the overall quality.
  • Monitor the chicken closely while reheating. Air fryers tend to heat food quickly, so it’s keeping an eye on the chicken is essential to prevent it from overcooking or burning.
  • If your air fryer has adjustable temperature settings, you can experiment with slightly lower temperatures for longer to achieve a more tender and juicy result.
  • If the fried chicken was initially coated with a batter or breading, you could spritz a little water on the chicken before reheating. This helps prevent the breading from becoming too dry during reheating.
  • Consider flipping the chicken halfway through the reheating process to ensure that both sides are evenly heated and maintain their crispy texture.
  • If you prefer an extra crispy finish, you can increase the temperature of the air fryer for the last couple of minutes of reheating. However, be cautious not to burn the chicken.
  • Allow the reheated fried chicken to rest for a minute or two before serving. .By doing this, the liquids may be distributed more evenly throughout the meat, giving it a more tasty and soft bite.
  • Serve the reheated fried chicken immediately for the best taste and texture. Delayed serving can cause the chicken to lose some of its crispiness.
  • Remember to adjust the reheating time and temperature based on the size and thickness of the chicken pieces. Thicker pieces may require slightly longer reheating times.
  • Following these tips, you can enjoy perfectly reheated fried chicken that retains its original crispy coating and delicious flavor, thanks to the air fryer’s efficient and effective reheating capabilities.



Reheating fried chicken in an air fryer is easy, and it’s a great way to enjoy leftover chicken the next day. You can quickly make excellent, crispy, and juicy fried chicken by following these easy instructions.

Remember to clean your air fryer, preheat it, arrange the chicken properly, double-check the temperature, and be careful not to overcook it. Once you’ve done all that, sit back, and enjoy your meal!


Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions about reheating fried chicken in an air fryer:

  • Can I reheat frozen fried chicken in an air fryer?

You can reheat frozen fried chicken in an air fryer. However, you may need to slightly adjust the cooking time and temperature to ensure thorough heating.

  • How long does it take to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer?

The thickness and size of the chicken pieces, as well as the particular air fryer type, can affect the warming time. On average, it takes approximately 6-8 minutes to reheat fried chicken in an air fryer.

  • Can I reheat bone-in fried chicken in an air fryer? 

Absolutely! Air fryers are suitable for reheating both bone-in and boneless fried chicken.

  • Can I reheat fried chicken multiple times in an air fryer?

While it is technically possible to reheat fried chicken multiple times in an air fryer, it is generally recommended to reheat it only once. Reheating chicken multiple times can result in a loss of quality and flavor.

  • Can I use an air fryer to reheat other types of leftover food?

Yes, air fryers can be used to reheat various types of leftover food, including french fries, mozzarella sticks, and even pizza. The hot air circulation helps to revive the crispiness of these foods.

Always exercise caution when reheating leftovers and ensure the food reaches a safe internal temperature to prevent foodborne illnesses. Enjoy your reheated fried chicken in the air fryer!


Hay I am Romena Parvin

Romena Parvin

Romena has established herself as a trusted source of inspiration and guidance for aspiring cooks and food enthusiasts alike. Romena’s journey as a blogger began several years ago when she discovered her love for cooking and experimenting with various recipes. Recognizing the power of the internet as a platform for sharing her culinary expertise, she decided to create a blog dedicated to the kitchen domain. Her goal was to provide practical tips, creative recipes, and insightful advice to help others elevate their cooking skills and discover the joy of preparing delicious meals at home. What sets Romena apart from other bloggers in her field is her ability to connect with her audience on a personal level. Through her engaging writing style and authentic approach, she has built a loyal following of readers who eagerly await her new posts and eagerly try out her recommended recipes. Romena understands that cooking is not just about following instructions but also about the passion and creativity that goes into each dish. She encourages her readers to embrace their individuality in the kitchen and to experiment with flavors and techniques to create unique culinary experiences.

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