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Can You Cook Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer?

Garlic bread is an excellent accompaniment to any Italian meal. It’s crispy and flavorful and adds a touch of freshness to every bite. Traditionally, it is prepared by toasting or baking bread slices brushed with a delicious garlic butter spread. However, garlic bread is usually baked in an oven, making cooking challenging if you need access to one.  People are wondering if they can use an air fryer to cook garlic bread. Yes, it is possible. You can cook garlic bread in an air fryer. However, the advent of air fryers has opened up new possibilities in the culinary world. Fortunately, you don’t have to miss out on garlic bread anymore. These countertop appliances use hot air circulation for cooking food, producing a crispy texture similar to deep-frying but with less oil. So, can you achieve the same delectable results with garlic bread? This blog post may teach you how to prepare it in an air fryer.

Air fryers are an excellent culinary tool for cooking most types of food, including garlic bread. Here’s how you can prepare your very own air-fried garlic bread:


Benefits of Cooking Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer:

Cooking garlic bread in an air fryer offers several advantages:


  • It provides a healthier option than traditional baking or deep frying methods. Air frying requires minimal oil, reducing the calorie and fat content of the garlic bread.
  • Air fryers heat up quickly, saving you time in the kitchen. They also eliminate the need to preheat a conventional oven, making them an efficient choice.
  • Air fryers distribute heat evenly, ensuring your garlic bread is cooked uniformly and has a satisfying crunch.

Preheat your air fryer. 

Your air fryer should first be preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure that your garlic bread gets cooked evenly.

Choosing the Right Garlic Bread for Air Frying:

To achieve the best results when cooking garlic bread in an air fryer, choosing the right type of bread is essential. Opt for sturdy bread, such as a baguette or Italian loaf, as they hold well during cooking. Avoid using very soft or thinly sliced bread, as it may become too crispy or burn quickly in the air fryer. Additionally, selecting a high-quality garlic butter spread or making your own will enhance the flavor of the bread.

Preparing Garlic Bread for Air Frying

Preparing garlic bread for air frying is a straightforward process. Start by slicing the bread into portions, ensuring the slices are even thick. Next, spread the desired amount of garlic butter onto one side of each piece. For added flavor, you can sprinkle some grated cheese, herbs, or spices on the garlic butter.

Cooking Garlic Bread in an Air Fryer

Now it’s time to cook your garlic bread in the air fryer. Follow these simple steps:

  • For a few minutes, preheat your air fryer to 350°F (175°C).
  • Place the prepared garlic bread slices into the air fryer basket, ensuring they are arranged in a single layer.
  • Cook the garlic bread for approximately 5-6 minutes. Keep an eye on it to prevent burning.
  • After the initial cooking time, carefully flip the bread slices over using tongs or a spatula.
  • Continue cooking for 3-4 minutes until the garlic bread turns golden brown and crispy.

Tips for Perfectly Air-Fried Garlic Bread

To achieve perfectly air-fried garlic bread, consider the following tips:


  • Monitor the cooking time: Cooking times may vary depending on the brand and model of your air fryer. Keep a close eye on the bread to avoid overcooking or burning.
  • Adjust temperature and time: If you prefer softer garlic bread, reduce the temperature slightly and decrease the cooking time. For a crispier result, increase the temperature and cooking time.
  • Don’t overcrowd the basket: Ensure enough space between the garlic bread slices for proper air circulation. Overcrowding may result in uneven cooking.
  • Experiment with toppings: Get creative with your garlic bread toppings. Besides grated cheese, herbs, and spices, you can add chopped fresh garlic, parmesan cheese, or a drizzle of balsamic glaze for a unique twist.

Serving and Enjoying Air-Fried Garlic Bread

Once your air-fried garlic bread is ready, it’s time to serve and enjoy it. You can do it as a side dish alongside pasta, soups, or salads. It also pairs well with main dishes like grilled meats or roasted vegetables. Garnish with some fresh herbs, such as parsley or basil, for an extra touch of freshness. The crispy exterior and flavorful garlic butter spread will delight your taste buds.


In conclusion, cooking garlic bread in an air fryer is possible and offers several benefits. It provides a healthier alternative to traditional methods, saves time, and delivers a crispy and delicious result. Following this article’s simple steps and tips, you can enjoy homemade air-fried garlic bread that will impress your family and friends with its taste and texture.

It’s essential to note that cooking times may vary slightly depending on the type and thickness of bread you use. You may need to adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Another tip is to preheat your air fryer slightly longer than necessary. This will help ensure that your garlic bread is cooked through. Flip your garlic bread halfway through cooking to ensure that both sides are evenly cooked.

To add variety to your garlic bread, use different spices or herbs in your garlic butter mixture. You can also experiment with different types of bread, such as sourdough or French bread.


Can I use frozen garlic bread in the air fryer?

Yes, you can. In accordance with the instructions on the frozen garlic bread container, adjust the cooking time and temperature.

Can I make my garlic butter for the bread?

Absolutely! Making your garlic butter allows you to customize the flavor and ensure the use of quality ingredients.

Can I reheat leftover garlic bread in the air fryer?

Yes, reheating garlic bread in an air fryer is a great idea. Place the slices in the basket and reheat at a lower temperature for a few minutes.

Can I use whole wheat or gluten-free bread for air-fried garlic bread?

Yes, you can use different types of bread, including whole wheat.

read our more articles about Air Fryer

Hay I am Romena Parvin

Romena Parvin

Romena has established herself as a trusted source of inspiration and guidance for aspiring cooks and food enthusiasts alike. Romena’s journey as a blogger began several years ago when she discovered her love for cooking and experimenting with various recipes. Recognizing the power of the internet as a platform for sharing her culinary expertise, she decided to create a blog dedicated to the kitchen domain. Her goal was to provide practical tips, creative recipes, and insightful advice to help others elevate their cooking skills and discover the joy of preparing delicious meals at home. What sets Romena apart from other bloggers in her field is her ability to connect with her audience on a personal level. Through her engaging writing style and authentic approach, she has built a loyal following of readers who eagerly await her new posts and eagerly try out her recommended recipes. Romena understands that cooking is not just about following instructions but also about the passion and creativity that goes into each dish. She encourages her readers to embrace their individuality in the kitchen and to experiment with flavors and techniques to create unique culinary experiences.

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